Our MISSION: “Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in [my] way of life.” (Mt. 28:19 – The Message)
Our Acts of Faith Community provides community organizing around spiritual needs and interests.
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Posts by Deborah Swift (Page 3)

Evening Prayer

MISSION | VISION | CALLING Through Evening Prayer, we seek to be the church to each other as we anchor ourselves to our faith mid-week. WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW 04/22/24For those who want to connect in real-time mid-week worship from the comfort of their own homes, Evening Prayer is the answer. Currently twelve people from around New York State log on at 6PM…

Cuppa the Bible

MISSION | VISION | CALLING Using the Common Lectionary readings, we dive deeply into our faith by challenging ourselves to apply the Biblical teachings in our current context. WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW 04/22/24There’s nothing formal about this. Our dozen members meet most Mondays and look at the Common Lectionary readings for two weeks in the future. After a period of check-ins and sharing,…

Virtual Worship Begins

03/14/2020 With the rising concerns for our people in relationship to COVID-19, South Church has temporarily suspended our Acts of Faith ministries as they are ALL community based. However, that doesn’t mean that we discontinue being a Faith Community. So today we start our grand experiment in virtual sacred space. We have spent the week listening for the Holy Spirit among the…

Love-Joy Fellowship

MISSION | VISION | CALLING Faith Communities are a balance between “faith” and “community.” The many activities of the Love-Joy Fellowship are those organized activities designed to provide opportunities for us to share fellowship time, welcome new members, and deepen relationships already in place. WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW 04/08/23With so many Acts of Faith in so many different locations, getting together to socialize…

Matthew 25

MISSION | VISION | CALLING This Act of Faith takes its name from Matthew 25:31-46 which calls us to actively engage in our community and the world around us. We do this by embracing three areas of action: building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism and eradicating systemic poverty.”* WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW 07/12/22With the onset of COVID, our outreach partnership with St. Joe’s…

Three Videos

Sometimes life is just too good to let go. Here are three videos that give you a bit of a glimpse into South Church – who we are, what’s important to us, and how we got here. The Ordination of the Reverend Laura Bachmann On June 22, 2019, the Presbytery of Genesee Valley ordained to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament, our…

First Members and Summer Prayer

June 9, 2019 On Thursday, June 6th, Back2Center worship welcomed its first ever members in its four year history. LuAnn became an Active (i.e. full PC(USA)) Member, while Maria and Vicky opted for Affiliate Membership, meaning they retain their membership in their home churches but are committed to their lives as part of the B2C worshiping community. When everyone is in attendance,…

Food for Thought

MISSION | VISION | CALLING: Round table or square, seats filled or sparse, the Spirit surrounds even the most casual conversation, as we seek to care for and learn from each other and from our book of choice. WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW 09/20/23Fall schedule and reading: 3:00 P.M. FRIDAY AFTERNOONS BY ZOOM3:00 P.M. LAST FRIDAY IN MONTH WILL IN PERSON, (Location TBD)Our Book:…

Slow Sheep

MISSION | VISION | CALLING: We find fellowship with one another while appreciating the amazing world around us that God has created. WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW? 07/12/22This group is looking to revive its practice of monthly meditative walks and a shared meal in the spring of 2023.

Sing for Joy!

MISSION | VISION | CALLING: We gather to share our joy of music with The Meadows residents, Fellowship of Faith and each other. WHAT’S HAPPENING NOW? 04/08/23As we come into 2023, it is almost hard to remember that one year ago we were still firmly in the midst of pandemic-related alterations to our “normal” routine! After resuming in-person fellowship during the Fall of…