Our MISSION: “Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in [my] way of life.” (Mt. 28:19 – The Message)
Our Acts of Faith Community provides community organizing around spiritual needs and interests.
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First Members and Summer Prayer

June 9, 2019

On Thursday, June 6th, Back2Center worship welcomed its first ever members in its four year history. LuAnn became an Active (i.e. full PC(USA)) Member, while Maria and Vicky opted for Affiliate Membership, meaning they retain their membership in their home churches but are committed to their lives as part of the B2C worshiping community.

When everyone is in attendance, there are 8-12 worshipers in this interactive service, and one important aspect of the group is its identity as a community of faith. Recently when two different members were hospitalized, the members mounted their own visiting team to carry fellowship to Unity-Park Ridge. This sense of hospitality continued following the membership service when a spontaneous potluck supper greeted participants – spaghetti and meatballs, tossed salad, a pizza, and drinks welcomed visitors from the South Session who attended worship in order to officially welcome these newest members to our fold.

God continues to do amazing things in our midst. Leading individuals to discern their call to membership is life-changing both for the individuals and for Back2Center as a whole.

From now until Labor Day, B2C adopts their summer schedule which replaces weekly worship with Summer Evening Prayer every two weeks. If you are in the neighborhood of the Lake, come and join us!