Our MISSION: “Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in [my] way of life.” (Mt. 28:19 – The Message)
Our Acts of Faith Community provides community organizing around spiritual needs and interests.
Check out our WELCOME (top, left) page for more information or click on the picture below to be taken to our YouTube Channel.

Living Bread Ministry

We can all use a tangible reminder that we are nourished by the Living Bread of the Risen Christ.

The Living Bread ministry bakes bread regularly and offers a variety of loaves wrapped in new dish towels at Fellowship of Faith worship services to anyone who may be in need of encouragement or special prayers.

This ministry has given one to two loaves of bread nearly every week throughout 2022 and the recipients may keep the dish towels as a lasting reminder that our congregation is holding them close in our thoughts and prayers.

My heart is filled with gratitude for my fellow bakers, Eileen Smith and
Wayne Martin. If you would like to participate in this ministry by baking or offering baking supplies and dish towels, please let us know!

We look forward to a new year of offering loaves to satisfy many stomachs and bless dear hearts in the name of Jesus, who is our Living Bread.

It was at Fellowship of Faith that members decided they would like to make and distribute a loaf (occasionally two) of bread each week to someone who could use a reminder that we are praying for them. Recipients may or may not be part of our faith community, because just like Jesus, we reach out to everyone. Hand-made or machine-made, it is the smell, texture and the act of giving that feeds us on multiple levels.

Bakers coordinate among themselves who will provide the weekly loaf, wrapped in a commemorative kitchen towel that will outlive the bread itself, but will serve to remind the recipient that we stand with them, praying for their well-being.

Over the summer months, we have fed (body and soul) both members of our faith community and those who are neighbors — celebrating milestone birthday, recognizing grieving and loss, celebrating personal accomplishment, and more.

Let us know if you would like to become one of our bakers or if you have an idea for a recipient.