Getting aligned with God through the Holy Word, online, we seek to be guided by Jesus’ example of Justice-Love. We do that while building community with each other and sharing our own life experiences. |
04/08/23 For a year-and-a-half we have hosted an online Bible Study on Friday at noon called Water from the Well. After beginning with Reading the Bible Again for the First Time by Marcus Borg, the group launched into an in-depth study of the Book of Acts, intentionally reading it through the eyes of justice issues. Each week we integrate personal questions and life experience with the Biblical text and a study guide prepared by Pastor Deb that includes commentaries from famous scholars, maps and in-depth questions for reflection and sharing. From this experience have grown deep friendships among members who don’t even live near each other (one member from New Jersey drove to Rochester in order to take another member who no longer drives out to Michigan for a family reunion). Some members are able to be with us throughout the year while others come and go as their schedules allow. Everyone is welcome at the table in our zoom room. We deviated from our Acts study to accommodate Easter and Advent and hope to finish our Acts study during the winter. Next on our list will be the Old Testament books of Esther and Ruth. New members are always welcome. Please contact the church office or Pastor Deb to get the zoom link. Whether you’re working and this is your lunch hour, or you are just looking for a nice way to start your weekend, the well is always here to refresh us with the living waters of God’s Word. 10/10/22 Our online Bible study continues with the Book of Acts. It’s really easy to join — and you’ll get caught up in no time through the use of Study Guides prepared by Pastor Deb. Please contact the office to request the ZOOM link. 08/29/22 This Friday, September 2nd, we will again meet online during our lunch hour to reconnect with each other. No Bible Study this week … just checking in on “What I Did on my Summer Vacation.” Bible study resumes the following week, September 9th. Whether you’ve been with us before or maybe haven’t been with us for a while, this would be a good time to join as we are all settling back into our Friday routine(s). Use the CONTACT tab above to request the ZOOM link. This Bible study dives deep into scripture. Thus far in 2022, we have been focusing on the Book of Acts and the lessons that the first century church has to teach the twenty-first century church. Members are Christian and non-, Presbyterian (from six different Presbyterian Churches), Roman Catholic, and the Reformed Christian Church. People sign-on to our class from Utah, Florida, New Jersey, and three cities in New York — unless they’re traveling in the winter and then it’s even more. All are welcome! |