Our MISSION: “Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in [my] way of life.” (Mt. 28:19 – The Message)
Our Acts of Faith Community provides community organizing around spiritual needs and interests.
Check out our WELCOME (top, left) page for more information or click on the picture below to be taken to our YouTube Channel.

Who Are We?

We are your neighbors and friends, and we are:

>>> From many different faiths, countries, socio-economic, and educational

>>> Striving to find answers for ourselves rather than blindly accepting what is
handed to us by someone else.

>>> Progressive – Thinking – Questioning – Changing.

>>> Community to each other.

>>> Present in eight neighborhoods around the city of Rochester, NY.

>>> In partnership with the PC(USA), Presbytery of Genesee Valley, the Synod of the
area businesses and churches, not-for-profits, business/merchant
and neighborhood associations … pretty much everybody.

>>> Able-bodied, differently-abled, dealing with addictions and chronic conditions

>>> Democrats, Republicans, and Independents who are white-collared, blue-
collared, and no-collared.

>>> Women, men and children who speak many languages.

>>> Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and straight; married, divorced, single,
partnered, or celibate.

>>> Students and teachers, business people and parents, unemployed, overly and
under-employed, and retired.

We believe that God is big enough for everybody and that God finds a way to speak to us in a language we can understand. Often that is through music, art, science, study, nature, conversation, and learning.

We also believe that being human means that we will never be perfect and that God loves us anyway. Out of the life-changing Grace and Joy that that fact brings us, our lives are transformed, and that’s what we want to share with others.

In 2014, we voted to sell our property in southeast Rochester because we believe that we are supposed to be out among people, meeting their needs and spreading love and acceptance — like the first century church.

We were in southeast Rochester for over 165 years … since before Mt. Hope Avenue was even a part of the city itself. But now, we are in eight different neighborhoods from Brighton to Charlotte. We recognize the changing nature of our neighborhoods and adapted to meet the needs of the people around us.

We don’t know all the answers to 21st century life, but we are learning how to ask the questions pay attention to what the Universe sends our way as an answer.

Most importantly, we hope that you will join us where you seem to it in. (Check out our Acts of Faith tab to learn what our options are. And if there’s something you think we should do, or someplace you think we should be … please let us know!)

Where’s our church? Wherever you want it to be.