Our MISSION: “Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in [my] way of life.” (Mt. 28:19 – The Message)
Our Acts of Faith Community provides community organizing around spiritual needs and interests.
Check out our WELCOME (top, left) page for more information or click on the picture below to be taken to our YouTube Channel.

“Like a Rest in the Place where the Music is Born”

The summer of 2022 is so very different from the last few years, isn’t it?

At least from the “church” standpoint, it is beginning to feel a little more like an “old welcome” or a “homecoming” to some kind of relaxed calmness when we can all breathe a little deeper (even without a mask sometimes).

Sometimes churches change the times in which they exist (think the period of the Renaissance or the Enlightenment) but maybe even more often, the times change churches. I mean … look at us … no church building for 8 years now and yet partly because of that, I think we were well-situated to adapt to the pandemic shut-downs.

NOW we have both in-person and on-line worship services and group ministries (our Acts of Faith). We may be small with only 40-some members, but every week we have at least 30 at Fellowship of Faith and another 25-30 views online, plus our DVD ministry that allows 15-20 people without internet access to join us as well. Not bad … That’s 80-100 people every week celebrating the Love and Light of the Risen Christ and we’re not even talking about our other ministries.

This summer, though, for the first time in three years, most of our ministries will be on hiatus for the summer. ALL WILL RESUME AFTER LABOR DAY and who knows, maybe there will be some new ones added.

Continuing throughout July and August will be Fellowship of Faith (in-person Sunday worship at 1PM), Evening Prayer (Thursdays, on zoom at 6PM), our online services on our YouTube Channel (just click the picture on the home page here), and our DVD ministries. If you have any questions about them, please call the office: 585-271-5078 and we’ll get you all squared away.

But mostly this summer? Let yourself sink into the Love of our Creator and “rest in the place where the music is born.” (Thanks to Meg Christian for the image and the quotes.)