In the beginning was the Word, and the word said, “I will never leave you bereft, but you might have to change a few things along the way.” And as I sat before the Word, I felt myself come alive with imagery and music, with sound and silence. “The road will not be easy,” I heard, “and at times you may need to build it as you walk on it. I will be there: scouting out ahead, leading you around obstacles, and welcoming you home. And because I AM all space and time, I will also be with you on the Way, even as I am ahead of you and bringing peace to what lies behind.
“I AM the breath of dawn, the Holy Birther of tomorrow, and also the inspiration and in-Spiration that nudges you to be the Justice Seeker and Amazon Warrior that you will be for my people.
“I AM the comfort you desire – and that you bring to others.
“I AM the Light – the en-Light-enment – the Lux Aeterna forever, perpetual radiant force that is within you and without you.”
“But who am I,” I asked, “that thou art mindful of me?”
“You are my Beloved in whom I am well-pleased.”
“How can this be? I am flawed and imperfect. I am mortal and I get off-center. I will never be perfect,” I cried.
“Oh, but you are perfect in your imperfections. You are part of me, as I am of you. Every cell of your being is bathed in my Love.”
I sat in stunned silence … yet it seemed alive with every thought … every word … every memory … every song … every dream.
“And what is the word that I am to carry to your people?” I asked.
“I AM the Word. I call you as prophet and priest … you are shaman and preacher … Sometimes a parliamentarian. You are a pastor: both shepherd and sheep … the Changer and the Changed … through scripture and sacrament you will navigate the deserts and high places … you will call others to be my ambassadors as you will find me in them. I will be with you. Through sunrise and windstorm … through snow and ice … in the heat of the summer and the colors of fall. I will speak to you through them and through my quiet whispers in your heart when you lay awake at night.”
“I am so unworthy,” I thought.
“I can hear your thoughts,” said the Word, smiling at me. I blushed at that knowledge for the Word was too great for me.
“You are not perfect. But you are mine. Always and forever. And I ask only one thing: that you be authentically you. Your questions. Your doubts. Your love of learning. Your caring heart that is so easily broken. Your righteous indignation and moments of unrestrained laughter. Your inconsolable tears as you choose again and again to dream the dream … to choose the better way. Every time that you are you, you are also within me, and we are connected to all that is and all that will ever be.
“Share with others. Remind them of what they already know for truly, I AM within them as well.”
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. The Word was God.
This is the faith in which I live and move and have my being.
Thanks be to God.