We gather to share our joy of music with The Meadows residents, Fellowship of Faith and each other. |
04/08/23 As we come into 2023, it is almost hard to remember that one year ago we were still firmly in the midst of pandemic-related alterations to our “normal” routine! After resuming in-person fellowship during the Fall of 2021, we were once again meeting via Zoom as the calendar changed to 2022. Fortunately, that was short-lived interruption, and soon enough we were back in-person, and have remained that way for the duration of the year. It was also during this past Spring that we were able to “officially” move on from masking. On occasion, when circumstances (usually scheduling) demand, we have the option of once again using Zoom for an informal hymn-sing, but these instances have been blessedly rare! Sing For Joy! continued to meet from 6:30-7:30 pm on Wednesday evenings in the Parks Room at Chestnut Court through June. After taking our customary summer vacation, we resumed with a new time in September, swapping slots with Ring For Joy! Choir now rehearses from 5:30-6:30 pm, with Bell Choir rehearsing immediately following. We typically begin rehearsal with 15-20 minutes of a hymn-sing, and then we fill the rest of our hour with work on our four-part choral repertoire for presentation during Sunday worship services. We also meet about 30 minutes prior to Sunday afternoon’s Fellowship of Faith for a quick review of our music for the day. The Choir typically presents a Choral Anthem, as well as a short Introit and Choral Response as musical bookends to the Sunday service. During 2022, the South Church choral music library was relocated to Gates Presbyterian Church, where I continue to serve as accompanist. Having this easy, weekly access to our library—not to mention the Gates choral repertoire—has been a true blessing, making the process of selecting and transporting sheet music much simpler. As a result, in addition to programming popular favorites from the library, we are able to work and present pieces that are new to our group without spending any budget money purchasing new octavos. Sing For Joy! currently comprises thirteen members. St. John’s residents often drop in to listen to our in-person rehearsals, and sometimes even join in the singing! New members are always welcome (no audition required), and, when necessary, our Zoom hymn- sings are available to anyone with the link and password. 10/10/22 There’s nothing like making music together in person. Perhaps you would like to join us for the upcoming holiday season — some of the most beautiful music is written for Advent and Christmas. All are welcome at the above time and place, though please check the online calendar for the occasional change in schedule. 07/12/22 After singing together through ZOOM on Wednesday nights for a year-and-a-half, Sing for Joy! returned to in-person rehearsals and singing on Sunday afternoons as worship leaders in Fellowship of Faith. Join us for our weekly fellowship of hymn-sings and choir rehearsal on Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8:00, in the Parks Room of Chestnut Court at St. John’s Meadows. You need NOT be a resident of St. John’s. ALL ARE WELCOME for any portion of the evening! Hymn-sings (participants choose the hymns) usually run from 6:30-7:00, followed by rehearsal of two-, three-, and four-part choral anthems to be performed at Fellowship of Faith, our Sunday morning worship service in Chestnut Court at the Meadows. Sing for Joy! is currently on summer hiatus and will resume regular rehearsals following Labor Day. Please check the online calendar (above) for the exact date. This is a non-audition choir. |